I admit it: occasionally I Google my name to find out where my work has been mentioned. During a recent investigation, I stumbled upon the video above. I'd forgotten about being interviewed several years ago about my writing, so it was interesting to hear my thoughts about it.
The video was shot on the old Eastern Avenue bridge across the Don, which I think I'd recently wandered onto during a psychogeography walk.
This film reminds me of one of my early New Year's resolutions: if I can afford it, I'd like to take lessons or one-on-one sessions to polish my speaking skills. I've never been entirely comfortable with them, possibly due to my mind racing ahead of my tongue, possibly due to self-consciousness over too many "ahs," "likes," "reallys," and "ums." Given one or two recent near-misses with radio interviews on subjects I've covered, building confidence in my speaking abilities could boost my marketability and open up new opportunities.
Curious about the stories mentioned in this video? Here are the links:
The same Google search uncovered an article Inside Toronto interviewed me for back at Halloween about the Don Jail. If any other reporters are looking for someone to discuss Toronto history with...